Mental Health Awareness Week

Posted on May 17, 2019

Mental Health Tips

Managing your mental health as important as managing your physical health; both are intergrately connected. Below are some of my top tips for living a life that is as fulfilling as possible.

Set Boundaries

Protect your mental health by surrounding yourself with positive people. Work at building healthy relationships that are supportive, caring and encouraging; that make you feel respected, loved and valued. Set boundaries around people who are damaging for your mental health. Remove toxic situations and people from your life. You are not being selfish, it’s called self care.

Health and Well-being

Develop a healthy bedtime routine that is regulated.  Switch off all electronic devices at least thirty minutes before bedtime.

Eat well; there is a massive connection between ‘food and mood’.

Natural sunlight is a mood enhancer so catch a few rays when possible.

Exercise has been proven to decrease symptoms of depression, anxiety and improve mood; even walking or light gardening can help improve your mood.

Get Creative

Using creative means such as music, art therapy, reading, light gardening are all great tools for managing stress.

Laugh Lots

Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you and not the stress in you. Laughter is one of the greatest gifts, it is free and it is contagious!


Eliminate clutter from your environment. ‘Cluttered life, Cluttered Mind’ Vs ‘Healthy Life, Healthy Mind’.

Limit time spent on Social Media

Social media may satisfy your social needs however it does not satisfy your soul. In an increasingly disconnected and lonely world, seek instead to develop genuine and real connections with genuine and real people.

Stay Connected No man is an island’

Never underestimate the power of human touch, spoken word and a listening ear.

Switch off all of your modern day devices and simply ‘be’ in the present moment.

Be Kind

Be kind to yourself and others, a helping hand goes a long way and the gift of kindness will always find its way back to you, when we give, we receive.

Do something Fun

Engage in a mindful and meaningful activity which you enjoy.

Managing Stress

Accept what you cannot control and change what is in your power. When you cannot control a situation, learn how to control how you respond. Identify your triggers and build your emotional ‘tool box’ full of solutions.

Take a Break

‘A problem shared is a problem halved’. Being listened to will help us feel less alone and also encourages others to share thus building positive connections.

Accept who you are

We are all unique; embrace and learn how to love your true authentic self, become comfortable in your own skin. Acceptance of who we are leads to increased self esteem, which improves our emotional well-being and helps us manage difficult situations better.

The Present Moment

‘The past is history the future is a mystery. Today is a gift, that’s why we call it the present’.  Avoid time travelling; many people become distressed when thinking about the past, the future and over situations they cannot control. Live in the moment and make it count.

Develop Gratitude

 It is impossible to lead a positive life with a negative mind. Count your blessings and keep a gratitude journal. Your mind will believe what you feed it so fill your life so full of positivity that there is no room for negativity.


Don’t Worry; Be Happy

‘Be who you are and say what you mean because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind’ Dr. Seuss.

Stop worrying about what other people think of you, they are not walking in your shoes. What other people think of you is none of your concern so focus on what makes you happy.

Set Goals

Set goals that are believable; visualising your hopes and dreams means that they are more achievable. You are never too old to learn new things, and fulfil new dreams.

Let it Go!

Release your burdens; when you carry your problems around, they will become heavier. Instead use your experiences as stepping stones to create a healthier more fulfilled future.


Find your own sense of meaning in your life and be true to yourself. Turn your life around and inspire others to do the same.

You are the author of your own life, now go create a Masterpiece!

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